Concrete or asphalt, when it comes to your driveway, repairs can be spendy. How do you know if it’s better to patch, resurface or just straight up replace it all?
Now, we can always come out for a free estimate and inspection of your current situation but this page will go over what you need to know in order to inspect your current situation and decide for yourself what your next step is going to be.
The questions you need to ask yourself is, aesthetically, do you want uniformity, or are you ok with patches. Another question you need to take into consideration is the longevity of the repair vs replace. Deciding between the two, in the end, is mostly personal preference.
- Patch
- Resurface
- Replace
Stamped Concrete Pros & Cons

And, it’s low maintenance! There’s no grout to worry about so the “stones” don’t shift or settle over time and there are no seems for weeds to grow up through.
What is Stamped Concrete?

Use a Professional